You know if i'm gonna do anything
Im gonna go out with a bam
With dynamite in my hands
You know i can
You know the plans
My friends are just my fans
But keeping them
Is like holding sand
Go out with a bam
Mumsy treats me like im a firecracker
Ready to explode
Light me up
And Ill go
WITH A BAMYou know i can
No expression
Thats the impression
I give
When i dont give a frik
They close doors
But i SLAM them
They look away
But i keep starin’
They told me
THAT I WAS A FREAKNot hard to believe
They told me
That noone wants to hear the truth
“Tell them and they won’t want to be near you”
And wanna know what i was gonna do
Go out with a BAMTheyll remember who i am
You know my friends are just fans
The cops comin
“Speak to the hand”
You know at night they get scared
Itd be different if i cared
Mumsy sleeps in my siblings room
Scared of what ill do
And if i do anything
Its gonna be going out with a BAM
Dad keeps the guns where he thinks i cant find them
He has a camera over my window
Thinks i cant escape
Thinks im insane
Him i cant blame
But i can blame her